Day 2 – 11th Jan 2013 (PMS Day 6)
Our 2nd consultation was on PMS Day 6, I had my internal ultrasound again to check how many follicles I have naturally (I got 6 on the left and 6 on the right). Sizes were varied from 14mm – 7mm.
After being stimulated with 225 IU Gonal-F for 4 days, my E2 levels were 1,514 and P4 = 0,52. I am wondering if these numbers are promising result for IVF?

They are having me inject 225 IU Gonal-F again and Cetrotide for another 3 days ahead, also ordered a blood test and ultrasound on PMS Day 9. Cross my fingers, hopefully they are big enough tomorrow to trigger.

Medication Lists:
Cetrorelix Acetate (Cetrotide) is the first and only gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist that offers dosing simplicity and flexibility. It is injected subcutaneously (just under the skin). Cetrotide is available in a 3mg single dose regimen and a 0.25mg daily dose given on stimulation day five or seven, depending the strength. Cetrotide helps control your body’s hormonal responses, which affect the development of eggs. Specifically, Cetrotides helps delay a hormonal event know as the LH surge. The LH Surge is caused by a series of changes involving two hormones – gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). When GnRH is present, it triggers a dramatic rise, or surge in LH levels. However, if an LH surge occurs too early in a cycle, your eggs will be released before they are expected. Cetrotides works by directly blocking the trigger effect on GnRH. This blocking action stops the premature LH surge in women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation before they begin. In doing so, this allows eggs to reach the level of development needed for fertilization.

 FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is used in IVF cycles to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs. FSH is taken as subcutaneous injections daily. Ie. Gonal-F Pen 900 IU

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