Day 5 – 18 Jan 2013 (PMS Day 13)
That night at 10.00 pm on PMS Day 11 which was 48 hrs before egg retrieval operation, I was asked to inject Ovidrel which was 250mg to induce ovulation.

Pre-OPU, we faced a scene as Jakarta floods due monsoon soaks, heavy rains bring this capital to a standstill. The hospital remained open but the access roads leading to it were reportedly blocked. The traffic was brought to a near standstill by waist-high floodwaters, and overflowing with cars. By midnight when we heard the access road to hospital down to knee-high floodwaters, DH packed up and took me to the hospital where I was admitted to ICU then transferred to regular patient ward.

Home truths about ovum pick up…

Before operation, the nurse gave me a surgical gown to wear, I was asked to change my clothes and shown to a bed and a cannula ( fine plastic tube) was inserted into my vein in the back of my hand. It was used to make me feel sleepy and sedated throughout the procedure. Once I got into the OR, Dr. I already inside the room. The room was freezing. It was medium and white. I was instructed to lie on the operating table. Later, they tied each of my arms to the boards. They also slapped sticky heart monitors onto my chest and plugged them in.  An assistant came by and did a complete medical history on me. Another anesthesiologist asked me not to worry and started to sedate me via cannula inserted in my vein before. That’s the last thing I remember.

An hour later, I have been taken down to recovery room to rest and DH was eventually brought back to see me. I found myself given oxygen throughout the procedure via two short plastic tubes that sit at the base of my nostrils. DH told me that out of 15 follicles retrieved, 5 were empty so I got 10 oocytes in total.

I was prescribed with Cefixime 200mg taken once a day and Asam Mefenamat 500mg 3x a day with no end date provided. After having lunch about an hour and so in recovery ward, I was released home.

Post–OPU, I bounced back fairly quickly. I was pretty much feeling completely normal.

Medication Lists:
Ovidrel 250mg, Cefixime 200 mg, Asam Mefenamat 500mg

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