On my day 11th on Buserelin injection today, I understand  it is better to avoid strenuous activities such as running, jogging and lifting heavy weights while doing the meds. However, I just need to challenge myself to finish this 10k race. My endurance. A great way to maintain motivation by picking the correct goals.

Alright, so here I am about to embark on my 2nd round of doing IVF treatment at Tropicana Medical Centre (TMC), Malaysia. After having a brief consultation with the representative of TMC here in Jakarta, I were advised to visit TMC on the 21st day of my cyle. During this initial visit, both of us undergoes a full assessment and subsequently commencement of treatment the next day on 17th

My treatment involves a series of daily injections for 4 weeks and 3 clinic visits. I was asked to be seen every 3 to 5 days until egg collection and subsequently embryo transfer 5 days later. 

For today, I was prescribed with Buserelin at 50 IU to inject from 17th Oct until 30th Oct, and another 10 IU from 31st Oct - 8th Nov. We were scheduled to get back here on 8th Nov.