Day 4 – 15 Jan 2013 (PMS Day 10)
PMS Day 10 – 4th consultation, another ultrasound and blood test, my follicles’ sizes are growing. Some of them have reached 17mm and the smallest at 10mm. Dr. I hopes the 10mm follicle would catch up. He prescribed me with Gonal-F at 150IU. So, in total, I had 9 days of 2 Gonal-F pen at 900 IU each dosage and additional 150 IU Gonal-F.

Dr. I explained Ovum Pick Up will be executed as scheduled on 18th Jan. He ordered us to go for another blood test on PMS Day 11 in the morning and Ovidrel injection at night around 09.45 pm also a total rest on PMS Day 12 plus fasting 6 hrs pre-OPU.

Medication Lists:
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is used in IVF cycles to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs. FSH is taken as subcutaneous injections daily. Ie. Gonal-F  2 x 75 IU

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